As Christians, we have the extraordinary privilege of participating in God’s work by praying for other people. Although we often neglect it, our most potent and effective ministry as Christians is prayer. We can impact our children, friends, family, and loved ones as we pray for them.
I have a tendency to worry about the people I love, and when I don’t worry, I try to control situations and make them better through my efforts. Yet all my worry won’t change a thing, and my tired efforts will always fall short. When I turn those worries into prayers, I’m calling on an all-powerful, always-loving God to intervene and to work His will in situations and people I’m powerless to change.
As we pray, let’s not forget to thank God for what He’s already done in our lives. When was the last time you thanked God for sending Jesus to die for you? Have you thanked Him recently for the gift of His Holy Spirit? When we thank God for the many spiritual blessings we receive, it honors Him and “opens our eyes” to the abundant life He’s giving us.
Thank him for everyday blessings like your dog’s faithful friendship or your child’s smile. Thank him for answering your prayers. What if we make it a point to thank God for what He’s already done before we ask Him for something new?
Do you ever feel confused about what to do next? Ever find yourself in a situation that looks impossible? Prayer provides an opportunity to ask God to guide us. Whether you face an important life decision, need God’s wisdom for a challenging situation at work, or need to know how to respond in a difficult conversation, God’s Holy Spirit will show you your next step when you ask Him to guide you.
We can pray along with these reassuring words:
“In you, Lord my God, I put my trust… Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God, my Savior And my hope are in you all day long.” (Psalm 25:1 4-5)
When I feel exhausted, it’s usually because I’m running on my strength, but I’m learning to stop and ask God for help. My own reserves of power will only get me so far, and exhaustion serves as a warning signal that I’m running on empty. God promises to empower us by the same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead.
Maybe God has called you to do something that looks way too big. Perhaps you’re facing a challenging situation that leaves you feeling weak. Maybe you’ve been walking through a time of trial, especially in this election season, and you’re wondering how you can take one more step. Ask the Lord to fill you with His power despite your weakness. Ask Him to give you the strength you need to take one more action; call on Him to provide you with the ability to live for Him today.