Things don't always go as we plan and purpose. Maybe this new year started out differently than you expected. I hope you'll be inspired by the story of a woman who did something amazing even in the face of tragedy.
Maybe you've heard of the very popular devotional book, My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers. What you may not know is the world wouldn't have this book that inspired millions of people had it not been for his wife, Biddy Chambers.

Gertrude Annie “Biddy” Chambers
They married in 1910. He was a preacher with a desire to start a bible college and she was a master in shorthand. In fact she could take dictation at the phenomenal rate of 250 words per minute!
As Oswald taught these bible classes, Biddy would take shorthand notes of all his lectures, with the purpose of offering correspondence courses.
Only seven years into their marriage, Oswald died due to complications following an operation.
Biddy Chambers then began the painstaking work of transcribing her notes taken during her husband’s lectures. She began to send out the transcriptions to friends and acquaintances. The pamphlets were combined into book form and eventually My Utmost for His Highest was published in 1927 and has remained continually in print ever since, with millions sold.
Biddy died in 1966, knowing that, despite the circumstances, she had fulfilled the ministry which God has entrusted to her. What has God given you to do?