Today is March 16th, 3/16, or what we prefer to refer to as, John 3:16 Day! What do John 3:16 and football have in common? Two things that I can think of!
When Tim Tebow starting using bible verses in his eye black during football games, those verses became the most popular online searches.
Focus on the Family decided to make sure everyone knew what that verse meant. They created this incredible commercial to air during a Superbowl that quickly won the hearts of millions as it communicated the greatest message of all time!
Secondly, long before Tim Tebow or those cuties, guys with a desire to share the gospel would hold up signs or paint their chests with John 3:16 to be shown off in the end zone as a touchdown was made. I don't know how many people were inspired to search out the gospel from that, but Christian music pioneer Steve Taylor gave us a classic song about it
Have YOU accepted His love?
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. -John 3:16