We pulled the Christmas tree out of the box, set it up, and started "fluffing" the branches. There's something about an artificial pre-lit tree. You can be sure everything is just right. It's the exact shape it's supposed to be with lights at precise intervals.
If you opt for a real tree, there are some great joys such as the excitement of finding the one you like and the delightful smell. However, with a real tree you see the imperfections, such as bare spots and oddly-shaped branches.
Live trees are more like real life. They are more like us. We all have imperfections we’d rather others never see or know about. Let's keep that in mind when the people around us seem to have it all together while our life feels chaotic
You’re seeing what they let you see. You’re showing what you want others to see. We're actually all a work in progress! So maybe this year our Christmas trees can be like a reminder of the grace we've been given by God that we get to extend to ourselves and others.
Speaking of trees, be sure to check out the Festival of Trees at Beck Chevrolet through December 17th!
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