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Refreshing Words

A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.

When the year comes to a close, I love reviewing the letters we've collected over the past twelve months.  This folder is filled with encouragement! It includes thank you notes from community organizations for whom we've promoted events, gratitude from giveaway winners, and a few Christmas cards.

But primarily it's notes and letters that came in along with donations or emails where listeners have told us how much they enjoy our station, describing ways we've encouraged them, or helped them find a church home. Some are notes that cheer us on to say, "Hey! I see you making a difference in our community, keep up the good work."  

So thank you for sharing the love!!  I think I'll leave it out on my desk a few days before filing it away.....a reminder of the spiritual refreshment that's poured out onto our staff with each word.

I talked about this on the air and received a call from Teresa. She felt motivated by the concept of keeping all those uplifting words. Her aim now is to write down the good things and positive remarks she receives, allowing her to reflect on the blessings in her life at the end of the year.

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