As I was reading a friend's devotion this past evening, it struck me as so very powerful concerning our worship and there is a popular song we are playing on Hope FM right now by Tasha Layton plays from this called "Look What You've Done".
"Imagine the crash of Jericho’s walls coming down. Listen for Goliath’s grunt as David’s stone crashed into his forehead. See the Israelites cross the Jordan River on dry ground, the waters on the north end piling up as they waited for God’s invisible hand to let the flow resume.
Worship is remembering. Imagine how good miraculous bread and fish tasted on a Galilean hillside after you had missed several meals. Pretend that you were the parents of a demon-possessed boy who was liberated from his tormentor. Imagine the stunning joy when the early visitors to Jesus’ empty grave were told by angel messengers that he was alive."
I go one step further and say:
On the cross, in a grave
With a stone rolled away
All my debt, it was paid
Look what You've done
In my heart, in my mind
In my soul, in my life
With my hands lifted high, I'm singing
"Look what you've done"
Worship in remembrance of what God has done. Worship at it's finest.
