It was ugly, just terrible.
It was going to ruin everything.
The giant wall of water signaling the imminent storm blowing in was going to ruin everything! Granted, we hadn't planned much, but the money spent on worms and snacks and our 40 minute car ride (I may have made a few wrong turns) was all going to be wasted. These weren't going to be the glorious memories people post about on social media.
I felt like a failure. Why hadn't I planned better? Maybe, if I had just gotten my life together and paid attention, we wouldn't be stuck out in a storm. The enemy likes to lie to me in this way.
Just when I thought all was lost, I noticed something. My son was unphased. As the storm crept closer and closer, he stood his ground on the bank and kept casting away. Never mind he didn't catch a single fish... he was undeterred.
So, what was I so worried about? After a few minutes, I grabbed my umbrella and joined him on the shore. I actually found it quite peaceful.
The enemy wanted me to view these moments as worthless. If they aren't "post-worthy" then what's the point? Did I really think that? Have I really been so conditioned to only search for the "highlight reels" that I risk missing beautiful quiet memories on the riverbank in the rain?
Life is full of so much more than we find on social media. There are moments and days and weeks and months that fill the spaces between those posts. Don't let the enemy rob your joy and steal this life from you. Psalm 118:24 reminds us that this is the day the Lord has made, so let us rejoice and be glad in it!
