At the start of 2025 there was a big change in broadcasting….both TV and radio. A media group that owns 27 television stations across the country (and the Weather Channel) decided they’d make a change. It was purely financial in reason to cut costs - let go of all the local forecasters and anchors and pipe in a forecast from the national Weather Channel hub. The results were devastating. Not at all what the owners expected or intended. First of all, it was heartbreaking to their employees. But they weren’t prepared for the backlash on social media and beyond from their viewers!

And then there’s radio. Christian radio. In a similar story, a company that owned seven big well-known stations across the country, all very involved in their local communities, decided to sell to a national network. February 1 the switch will flip to the global network and the local presence will be lost.
At Hope FM, we’ve often said we’re a local ministry first and a radio station second. Our priority is being a good neighbor by sharing the Gospel and the love of our Lord to the community He’s placed us in. Primarily we do that through what you hear: music and programming that all point to the Lord, with local people talking about what’s happening in our local area. Oftentimes it’s what’s done behind the scenes that shows that love.
This week we brought in an artist to play a concert for nursing home residents. He’s played around the world for major events, but was right at home visiting with us and bringing smiles to the faces of those oft-forgotten people. He came back the next day to perform at a small school, and four children gave their lives to Christ!
Almost daily we receive phone calls and visits from people who need help. We point them to the available resources, pray with them, and do all we can to encourage them. One visitor was overwhelmed by the time our staff dedicated to sit and listen to him and pray over him. We simply told him, “It’s what we do.”
Local churches and ministries have a voice when they come to our studio. We don’t charge them to get on the air or record a commercial to promote their services, revivals, concerts, or fundraisers. City and County officials know the door is always open to them for communicating vital information. Businesses have found partnering with us is a great way for them to grow.
After 29 years on-air our mission statement stands:

On March 6th and 7th you’ll hear us talking a lot about community involvement as we ask you to support this ministry and we hope you’ll respond. If you’d like to help us get a head start with a gift, that’s much appreciated, as is prayer as we prepare. Just as God created you with purpose and you’re here for a reason, so is Hope FM. Together we are making a kingdom impact, so thank you for your support!!
If you’d like to share your thoughts about Hope FM’s local impact: let us know, or click here to record a brief message.
